In order to review the fees that are being charged between your organization and ASAP, you would need to access your ASAP account information. As long as your user settings permit this, you should be able to find this information by going to the left nav panel under Set Up/Account Info/Payment Information:
From the Payment Information tab, go to the ellipsis and choose View ASAP Billing Report.
You can select the current month's fees, last month's fees, or select a custom range in to view/export this information:
Column Headers:
Transaction Date This is the date and time that the transaction occurred.
Invoice ID This is the invoice number where the transaction is located.
Fee Type This is the type of transaction charged.
App Source Depending on the location of where the payment was received, it will display here. "ASAP" means that either an admin had configured or processed a payment through the system. "OLREG" means the customer had processed the payment.
Fee Amount This the amount of the fee that's being charged from ASAP.
Notes You'll find the type of fee that was charged in relation to the invoice. 'EVENTS' include items such as Classes, Private Lessons, etc.
Invoice Type Will show the type of invoice that is found on the report. Either it will be recurring or not.
Amount Paid This is the amount that is showing as paid under the invoice transaction details.