In cases where you need updated or additional information from customers, you can update the registration form, and prompt customers to review their account information the next time they register through your public site.
TIP: This is a good process to implement periodically to ensure you have the most current customer information.
- On the Navigation menu, click Set Up, and then click Registration forms.
- Select the applicable form, typically the default registration form.
- To add a new question, click +Add a new question, complete the Create custom question form, and then click Save.
- Scroll through the form and under the Visible column, select any additional fields you want visible to the customer.
- To make a field required, select Required.
- (Optional) Click the Add link, and type a tool tip for the field.
- When finished, click . ASAP saves the updates and displays a Form items updated box. Click OK.
- Enable the customer update prompt.
- At the top right of the form, click the edit link. An Edit Form box displays; you may need to scroll down to see it.
- Select Prompt for Update and then click Update.
The next time your customers sign into the public site to register, ASAP prompts them to update their information.