To access these reports and tools, select Find | Recurring Billing from your admin left nav panel.
Using ASAP Recurring Billing requires you to monitor and manage the bills and credit cards of your students. These reports help you do this. You can export these reports to Excel for further manipulation. Some fields may require you to reformat the cell to properly sort and manipulate data once in Excel.
1. This tool is useful for classes set up with either recurring billing/charging or recurring invoicing (select AUTOBILL or INVOICE in Select Billing Type)
2. By default, ASAP will show a summary of the last seven days with no detail and the next scheduled billing date. You can adjust the results by modifying the date range fields.
3. You may search for a specific student or ...
4. You may change the date fields. When you change any report option, be sure to click Search to obtain the new data results.
5. When you see the results, you may Export them
6. Also, you may email all students in the resulting set (this launches the email wizard)
7. If you select the student's name, you will be brought to the Student Details screen for that student.
8. If you select the View link for a student in results, this link will take you to the individual student's schedule for that particular item. You can see all details about the schedule from this link and review, update and cancel the subscription schedule from this page.
9. You may email individual students from here (this launches the email wizard)
All by date range: Using the dates entered in the fields shows details of which student(s) was/were charged, amount, invoice status, etc. You can email from this list - to all or one person at a time. If you want to email only unpaid students, use the Unpaid report.
Unpaid: Returns details about which invoices were created but are currently Invoice Status = Unpaid. You will want to review this list and see if the expiration dates on the cards need to be updated. You can email this student list to remind students to log in and pay the invoice.
Soon to expire cards: Results show which cards will expire before the next billing date for only the next scheduled cycle (i.e. the charge will fail). To review if anyone has a card expiring soon (i.e. maybe one or two months after the next scheduled payment), run the report "All by date range" and export to Excel, reformat as appropriate and sort by expiration date.
Incomplete Billing Info: Shows results where the card on file has an issue that could result in a failed charge. This could be an error in the card number (length, etc.), expiration date, ZIP code missing, etc. Use this report to email the students and ask them to log into and update the card on file. Your message to them may say something like, "There appears to be an error with the card we have on file for you. Please log in and update the card expiration date and/or billing address."
Billing Schedule w/o Invoice: Results show detail of who has a subscription scheduled to be generated in a date range but the invoice was not created. Results here may indicate an issue with the Subscription Scheduling, an error occurred during running the Recurring Billing Schedule or the student was enrolled after the subscription date and therefore missed this particular billing cycle.
By Course: Lets you select a specific course and see results by selected date range (i.e. in the past). Exports these results to Excel to manipulate and separate Paid from Unpaid and other invoices.
Enrolled w/no billing subscription for classes in date range: Shows students enrolled in a class with no billing subscription within the specified date range.