The prerequisites feature in ASAP let’s you prevent someone from enrolling in a course without first having satisfied a specific prerequisite. Also, any prerequisites that you create will be displayed beneath the appropriate course descriptions on your online registration site.
When you create a prerequisite you have a number of options for determining what "satisfying" a prerequisite means. ASAP gives you three choices:
- the student must have completed the course
- the student must either have have completed the course or be enrolled in the course
- the student must either have have completed the course, be enrolled in the course, or have the course in their shopping cart.
You may assign a prerequisite to a course, or to a whole group of courses.
Assigning a prerequisite to a course
To assign a prerequisite to a course, just search for the course (Find > Courses), then click the Edit Course link next to the correct course.
Once you’re on the course edit page, scroll about halfway down until you see the prerequisites boxes. There are two boxes here:
1. Course Prerequisites - Select a course from this box in order to make it a prerequisite of the course you are editing (“In order to take this course you must first complete this other course.”)
You may select as many courses as you like. If you do select multiple courses then the student will have to complete ALL of the selected courses before they can enroll in the course you are currently editing
2. Course Group Prerequisites - Selecting a course group from this box means that a student will have to complete any one of the courses within that course group before they can enroll in the course that you are editing (“In order to take this course you must first complete any one course from this course group.”)
After you're made your selections, now chose which level of validation you want to apply to the prerequisite (completed the class, enrolled in the class, or have the class in their cart). Finally click the Save and Close link and you're done :)
Assigning a prerequisite to a course group
When you assign a prerequisite to a course group you are saying “In order to take any course from this course group, you must first meet the following prerequisites.” To assign a prerequisite to a course:
1. Go to Configure > Course Groups
2. Select the course group you want to assign the prerequisite to from the Course Group menu.
3. Click the Edit link below the selected course group
After you click the Edit link you will see the same two prerequisite boxes that you saw on the course edit page:
1. Course Prerequisites - Select a course (or courses) from this box in order to make it a prerequisite of the course group (“In order to take any course from this course group you must first complete this course.”)
2. Course Group Prerequisites - Selecting a course group from this box means that a student will have to complete any one of the courses within that course group before they can enroll in any course from the course group you are editing.
After you're made your selections, now chose which level of validation you want to apply to the prerequisite (completed the class, enrolled in the class, or have the class in their cart).
Now click the upper Save button, and then click the next Save button. When you're done you see a message that reads Course Group Has Been Saved.