Account credits are monies that sit in an account that can be used by a customer for a future purchase on your ASAP site. They differ from a typical refund in that the monies are not refunded to the original method of payment.
Credits can be used on both your admin and your public ASAP sites and are shared by all members of a family. Credits can be cashed out to a check or cash (not to a credit card).
You can also give a student a generic credit but it must be configured first. In classic ASAP you do this from Configure | Preferences | Payment and Transaction Configuration. Note that you must have a user access level that allows you to view/edit financial information.
In our latest version of ASAP, you allow creation of generic credit from Navigation menu | Set Up | Financials | Payment Processing | Preferences. Here again, you must have a user access level that allows you to view/edit financial information.
Credit can be applied to invoices either from the public side or the admin portal. If a student has credit in their account and goes online to register or pay an invoice, a link is available that allows them to apply the credit toward the invoice. If the credit is less than the amount for items in the cart, the customer can apply the credit to the invoice and pay the rest. If the credit is more than the amount, the amount of credit needed to pay the invoice would be applied and the rest of the credit would remain in the customer’s account.
Other Credit Articles:
Issuing a credit to a student through the invoice