Data Insights provides data on four key areas, designed for snapshot and long term comparison analysis. It includes options to drill down into Details and Retention data also.
Set Up
Not all accounts have Data Insights activated. If you do not have the Data Insights metrics on your dashboard, it may be activated for your User Account type by your System Administrator or we may need to turn it on for you.
To Check if Insights is Active
- Set Up > User Access > User Access
- Scroll down to see if Insights is present in the menu items.
- If it is:
- select the User Type and then Active to make it available to specific users
- If it is not:
- email with a request to have Insights activated on your account.
- Revenue – all Revenue
- Active Students – all students who had ANY type of activity (including those who later dropped)
- Enrollments – all Enrollments
- Total Hours – all hours taught x # of students
By default, date fields will show all activity in the last three months. To find specific enrollments (i.e. to look at enrollment in Summer semester only), select one of the Time Periods.
To look at the same activities during the same time frame last year, click the Compare against another date range (and select the same TP if applicable).
Use Note:
- The date fields show when the student is in a class or lesson, not when they enrolled. For this reason, Insights data will not match data in the Enrollment Report (which shows when the enrollment was made).
Click in any of the data boxes to go though to the details page.
Insights Details
From here you can analyze the Four Key Areas using different contexts.
Choose one, some or all of the metrics here: Use notes:
Select the fields you want to see in the Groupings menu. Use note:
Drag the column header to the menu bar to group by that field
Insights Retention
Select Retention from the left Menu. This allows you to run comparison data analyses.
To see the total number of students who have not re-enrolled, select a From and To time period and click Run Report (do not select any option in Groupings). This will give you the overall retention numbers from those with an enrollment in the first time period, but none in the next.
Select Retained Students to view all those retained (i.e. those with an enrollment in the To Time Period
Select Unretained Students to view all those without an enrollment in the To time period
By adding Groupings, you get to more detailed data. Unretained students in these views only show that the student did not re-enroll in the same activity. They may have an enrollment in a different class or lesson.
We recommend first running Retention at a top level such as a department, program or course group. When you wish to see retention in specific classes or with specific instructors, use the filters to search in those. At this level, you will see students that have re-enrolled in the same class or lesson.
Insights Trends is still in development