In ASAP, you can select a fundraising campaign to be the designated default campaign for your organization. Once designated as a default campaign, you can choose to make the campaign visible on the shopcart or the payment page of your online registration site so that customers are able to contribute to it upon checkout and payment.
Here's how to configure your default fundraising campaign in ASAP:
1. go to Find> Fundraising from the left navigation panel
2. click on the edit link next to the campaign you'd like to designate as the default campaign
3. scroll to the bottom of the campaign edit page and select the box "make default campaign" which will be located under the "Prompt the donation at Public site on payments" section
4. select EITHER "show on shopcart" or "show on payment" option (do not select both)
5. save
Be sure to check the amounts listed in the QuickDonate Amount List as these will be the denominations that will be visible to your customers online. Also be sure to make sure the show online box is checked as well.
Once configured, this campaign will now be visible on your public site!