Modifying or excluding a class instance is a useful tool when you need to cancel or change a few class instances, but you don’t want to cancel or change the entire class.
You can modify a class instance without changing the existing class schedule. For example, if the regularly scheduled instructor of a class is out sick for a week, you can replace that individual's name with the name of the substitute instructor without having to create an entirely new schedule from scratch.
To modify a class instance you must first navigate to the class you wish to modify:
Find > Classes
- Select a class you wish to edit to be directed to the Class Detail Page.
- On the Class Detail page in the Schedule tab you will see options to either Exclude or Modify class instances.
- If you want to change a class’s date, time, or instructor, select Modify. This option is very useful when you don’t want to edit an entire class, but only wish to change a specific class instance.
For example, utilizing the case given above where the regularly scheduled instructor is out sick for a week, you can replace that individual's name on the schedule by clicking on the “Modify” link in the Schedule tab of the Class Detail page. From there you can click on “Instructor” in the pop up window. At this point in the Instructor dropdown menu you can then select a substitute instructor who will be teaching that week. Here you can also add a note if you like, which will then appear on the class schedule as well.
If you want to cancel a certain class instance, select Exclude. Class instance status will change from Active to Excluded and it will not be counted towards total number of meeting in Course Catalog or towards instructors’ payroll.