If you need to know how many students were in class on any given day and the total number of attendance hours for each day (including all attendance types), check out the Class Attendance Summary Report Grid
Using the assorted filters, you can view for any date range, the number of students who were present and the total attendance hours. The View options in the report include:
- Count & Hours: Ability to see both count and total hours for each calendar day.
- Student Count: View student count by calendar day.
- Hours: View total hours per calendar day.
- Summary Only (no daily details): View total hours, count, averages.
- Attendance Details: View student names + total hours per day.
If you run the report for more than one class, the results are sorted by teacher last name. Export the results to Excel for further analysis and sorting capabilities.
Or, drag a column like Time Period to the "grouping" header to group by that column.
This report is similar to report 1.18a & 1.69b from Version 2.
1. Undup Student Count = this is a count of students with attendance in date range only. If a student has no attendance in the date range, the student will not be counted in this field.
2. Enrollment Records Count = this is a sum of all enrollments where status is Enrolled, Pending, Dropped or Completed. It does not count Waitlisted or Drop In student enrollments.