Just as you can create a discount to apply to a program, course group, class or a time period, you can create a discount to apply to a specific student. This is a great way to create tuition assistance for a specific student or students.
To create this discount, go to:
- Configure and select Discounts
- Use discount editor (first tab) to create a new discount
- Select a discount category
- Enter the discount name
- Enter the discount start and end date - when the discount will become active and available for use, and when it will stop being active
- Select G/L code
- Next section "What kind discount you would like to create?" will offer you four different options. Select the option that serves your needs for this discount, and fill out the following section that corresponds to your selection.
- Select if you want this discount to be applied automatically or as a coupon. If you want it to be applied as a cupon, enter a coupon code and select if you want this discount to be single-use or multi-use. Single-use means that the student will be able to use the discount only once after which it will no longer be active.
- In the next section "Who should receive this discount" select "A specific student". Enter student's name in the search box and click on the Filter button. Select the student from the result list and click on the Add Customer button. Keep in mind that all the students you add here will have to be on the same invoice. For example, you can add two siblings if they are registring together, but you can't add two students from two different accounts.
10. Select "What items should discount apply too". In most cases when you are creating a discount for a specific student, you are creating it for tuition assistance purposes, in which case you would have a discount to apply to everything (all the classes that student enrolls in).
11. Select no for the last question "are there any items that this student must have purchased in the past for this discount to be valid?"
12. Save discount.