Activities are one of four types of resources you can make available for reservations. The instructions for other resource types are very similar.
From the left nav panel, select 1 Create | New Activity. Select the 2 site that the activity will be taking place in. Select the 3 group the resource will be included in. Type a 4 name for the activity. Upload an 5 image for the activity (optional). Type a 6 description for the activity. Select the 7 employee associated with the activity. Select the 8 facility that the activity will take place in. Feel free to be creative with your sites and rooms with this resource type. For example, the sample below is a tour that originates in a facility but doesn't take place there. The details are in the description. Select 9 Make this activity available for public reservations (this will open a section that you will see in the next screenshot). If you want to allow multiple reservations per time slot, select 10 allow multiple reservations per time slot. Type a 11 capacity.
Below is the section that you can create a fee schedule. You will set up a fee schedule if you are charging for the reservation slots. If you reservations are free/no charge, skip directly to steps 20 and 21.
Below is the section that you can create a fee schedule. You will set up a fee schedule if you are charging for the reservation slots. If you reservations are free/no charge, skip directly to steps 20 and 21.
Make sure 12 activity is chosen for fee type (because you are creating an activity--if you are creating a different type of resource, make sure you are selecting that type of fee type). Select the 13 schedule type. You can only create one fee schedule at a time, so if you are creating multiple fee schedules, complete this one first. You can create an additional fee schedule in step 19. Select the 14 user type for this specific fee schedule. If you use G|L codes, select the 15 appropriate G|L code. Type the 16 fee amount. If you want to be able to use discounts with this resource, select 17 Is Valid for Discount. Click 18 save to save the fee schedule. Select 19 Add New Fee Schedule if you want to add additional fee schedules (for different schedule types, user types and/or fees). To create a custom resource question, select 20 Add Custom Resource Question. When finished, click 21 Save.
You will see a message that says that the 22 activity doesn't contain reservations availability. To create reservations availability for the resource click 23 add new day to availability.
Make sure that 24 activity is selected for Reserve For. If you were creating a schedule for a different resource, you would select that resource type as the Reserve For type. Make sure the correct 25 activity is selected. Choose the 26 day of the week that you want to make the resource available for reservations. You can easily create more days for availability after you create the first one. Select the 27 start and end dates, 28 start and end times, if there will be a break in the availability, indicate the 29 dates and the 30 times here. Select the 31 schedule type here. Select 32 save when finished. You will see a message confirming the save. Click 33 back to activity detail to be taken back to the main screen for the activity.