If you are a new administrator / admin user on an ASAP account, there are several tasks that you might need to accomplish from time to time. Here is a list of brief descriptions and links to helpful articles/videos to get you started:
Configure user access levels: User access levels determine what all staff designated as a specific user type are able to do. Use this to give more or take away user access rights to specific user access levels.
Confirmation bcc: Use these instructions to configure your system to send you a bcc (blind carbon copy) every time someone registers for a class.
Discounts: This article gives you an overview of the discounts available within ASAP. Because discounts vary
so much, we recommend that you contact the ASAP support team for specific questions about your organization's discounts.
GL accounts: This is a brief description of what GL (general ledger) accounts are and how to set them up.
Account distribution report: This report shows details of GL activity.
A/R aging report: This report is useful for seeing which customers have outstanding balances. You can also send email and SOA (statement of account) emails to these students/registrants.
Course catalog report and class summary master report: The course catalog and class summary master reports are especially useful if you are creating classes for a new time period or want to get a detailed snapshot of an existing time period. It will allow you to quickly catch errors so you can edit them.
Student report: The student report is a dynamic and robust report for which you can create customized templates, based on your registration form(s).
Transaction report: This report shows details of financial transactions.