Use General Ledger accounts to assign and collect financial information on fees collected. Information can be gathered at any level of detail desired, such as classes, courses, course groups, sites, products, discounts etc.. General Ledger (GL) reports (Account Distribution report) will display summary and detail information on fees collected per account, per date range. These reports can be exported to Excel, CSV, PDF and used in other applications such as Quickbooks, that can import from these file types.
1. From the left Nav menu, click Configure|Preferences, scroll down to the Financial section and click Edit. Check the box next to “Assign G|L codes to all fees”, click Save.
2. Next go to the Left Nav menu and click Configure|Setup Data. Scroll down to the fourth green box entitled: “G|L Codes”. This is where all new codes will be entered into the system. Assign names and numbers to each code.
3. It will be best to lay out a grid with all of your offerings and make sure they are covered by your GL accounts. Include your discounts, different sites, products, materials, and any other fees you collect. Establish a numbering system that is meaningful to you.
- G|L Name fields can contain dots, dashes, and characters as needed.
- G|L Code fields can contain numbers, letters, dots and dashes and some characters.
4. Once all GL codes are entered in the Setup Data page, proceed to create courses and classes and anything else in your system that will have fees, such as time period fees or events. Select the appropriate GL code when you enter each fee in each course or class, and click save. If courses and classes and products have already been created, go to each one, click edit, and edit the fee by deleting the current fee, and re-entering the fee WITH the GL code selected, click Save Fee, and scroll down to the bottom and Save the page.
Note: Courses with multiple classes which will all have the same GL code can be edited by editing the fee and GL code at the Course level, then click “Copy Course Fees to Existing Classes” and all Fees and GL codes will be copied into all existing classes. The fees will not be copied into any existing enrollments, click continue if you accept this.
When you want to see activity for your GL accounts, run the G/L Report. Note that this report will give you information about when the purchase was initiated, not when the payment was made.