To refund a student for dropping a class, follow these steps:
- Select Invoices from the sidebar.
- Select the invoice of the student you would like to drop.
- In the invoice select the course name at the top of the invoice to be taken to the class the student is enrolled in.
- Select Drop from the ellipses correlated to the student from the invoice.
- Configure the drop reason.
- Configure the date you want the student to be dropped.
- In “What Do You Wish To Do With Paid Amount?” choose what to do with the invoice. For example Refund or No Change.
- If selecting Refund you will see a new box appear with the Actual Amount, Paid, Refund and Refund Method.
- Configure the Refund box to the amount you want to refund the student.
- Select the Refund Method.
- Select Notify the Student to send a message to the student letting them know they’ve been dropped from the class. You may also configure this message to be whatever you would like.
- Add notes to the drop in the Drop box, this will only be seen on the admin site.
- Select Drop Student to finalize the Drop.
- Go back to the invoice of the student to see the status next to the course is now Dropped and Refund statement above the balance of the invoice.