The Registration Form page creates the fields students complete when they create an account on your website, or when you create an account for them directly in the ASAP Admin. You can have multiple registration forms in operation simultaneously. This allows you to capture different information for different students, based on criteria like their age or their enrollments.
Set Up Default Registration Form
The default form contains the fields that ALL account holders must provide
- On the Navigation menu, click Set Up, and then click Registration Forms
- Select the form showing [Default]
- Scroll down and select the fields you wish to include:
- Visible - will show the field on the form
- Required - will force the student to complete the field
- Tooltop - allows you to add direction to clarify what the student must enter
- allows you to drag the question to a new position on the form.
- Select existing fields as necessary.
- If you would like to add new fields, click the Add a new question in the corner of each table.
- Click Save Form when complete
Set Up Rules-based Registration Forms
- On the Navigation menu, click Set Up, and then click Registration Forms
- Click Create a New Form
- Enter a name
- Prompt for Update - when this is clicked, users will be prompted to update the form details 9 months after they first completed it
- Do not click Make this the default ...
- Click the form rules link in the right corner
- Select a Rule Type
- Age - when Date of Birth is required, this form will allow you to ask different questions if the student is a Youth (under 18) or an adult.
- Customer Type - this allows you to ask specific questions, like Employee ID number for specific Customer Types.
- Program - this allows you to ask questions for those who are enrolled in any classes in the selected Program.