The Sites page allows you to create the facilities your teaching activities will take place in. It is divided into two sections: Sites which are the buildings on your campus and Rooms, or Facilities, which are the rooms activities take place in.
Set Up Sites
- On the Navigation menu, click Set Up, and then click Sites
- In the ellipsis menu
, click Create site
- Complete the fields, * notes those that are required
- Capacity - the system will monitor the capacity of each class and will prevent classes from being set up if their capacity exceeds this number.
- Display as contact - this will show this Site details on the Contact Us page on your public site.
- External site - if you have events off campus that are not used for teaching, select this to isolate this site to just the Events module
- Click the
Save icon.
Set Up Rooms
- On the Sites page click the site you wish to add rooms to
- On the Facilities tab, click the
to add a new room
- Enter the name and capacity
- Click the
to save the room.
The room will now be available whenever you create a class or lesson.
Tip: create a TBD site and room so that you can set up classes and lessons even when you don't know where they'll be held.