Many of our organizations take other forms of payment when recording that information to an invoice. How often is it that a registrant will write a check for a whole amount but would either like a refund or some sort of credit to their account? Well, we have a solution in place for you.
The first thing that needs to be noted is that all payments made in ASAP need to be accounted for something. This means that any payment made needs to be allocated to a specific item. This is the reason why overpayments cannot be processed directly.
Let's set up this example invoice. I have a student that has a $40.50 invoice and he had just written me a check for $50.
To account for the overpayment we need to add a fee to the invoice to account for the amount in excess. To do so, select the + icon and select Fee from the dropdown.
A search box will appear under the total, search Fee and select "Fee in Fees".
The Add Fee window will appear and from here add the amount that the customer overpaid to balance the invoice to the payment.
Once the fee is added you will see that the new Total should be equal to the amount the customer paid, if it is correct select Save Changes.
Now that the invoice has been adjusted we can now process the payment.
From here, it's just a matter of either issuing a credit or processing a refund, depending on which direction you are choosing to handle the over payment. Here are two articles that can help you the rest of the way:
Account Credits and Generic Credits