Registering a drop in student is a different process for an after school program than with a class. With an after school program, you first want to register them as you would any student, but without adding a schedule.
First click the "After school enroll" link from the left navigation panel.
From the After school program enroll page, find the student you wish to enroll as a drop in and which program to enroll them in, but do not select any of the schedule date boxes. Instead, select the checkbox which says 'No schedule (registration only)
click the 'enroll' button.
You will then be directed to the registration invoice, which will be a total of $0 if there is no registration fee, or if there is a time period/registration fee, this will be charged at this time. Make sure if this invoice has a balance, that it is paid before attempting to register them as a drop-in, or you will be unable to do so.
Next, click the 'drop-in' link from the left navigation panel. Select the program, and when you click the student dropdown menu, this student you just registered should show as an option. Select the student and the drop-in date. If you wish to select more than one date at this time, click the '(add another date)' link.
Next, if you are satisfied with the information you entered, click the 'Add and view invoice' button, which will complete your drop-in registration.
Alternatively, if you wish to charge the student a different amount from this program's standard drop-in rate, click the 'override rate' button and you will see a box appear with the default drop in fee. You can now change this fee amount as you wish. Now you are ready to finalize, by clicking 'add and view invoice.'