Creating a new After school program
From the left nav panel, select Create>After School Program.
Start by entering a title for your after school program. Select a program code, which works similarly to a class or course code, and does not allow spaces or special characters.
Enter the rest of the program information from the location and facility, through capacity.
You may now choose to upload an image to display on the after school program page if you wish, but this is not mandatory.
Now you will see the 'show online' checkbox. If you wish to only allow students to register for this program by calling or coming into the office, leave this unchecked. If you wish this to show on the public registration site so students may register themselves, check the box.
(Note: If you decide for this program to show online, make sure you configure it to show online by going to configure>online registration site and adding it there.)
Next, you will see the 'Allow waitlist' checkbox. Select this if you wish.
You will now insert a description. This detail is required, although can be a short description if you'd like.
Setting up fees
After you have completed the first half of the new after school program, you will see the fields to enter a Drop In fee and Deposit fee.
Drop In fee: You may enter a fee here that will be paid upon each drop in, or leave it blank if you do not use a drop in fee.
Deposit fee (called Registration fee in the After School program details page):
This is the amount the family must pay at time of enrollment. This fee payment at time of enrollment also serves to capture the credit card that will be associated with the enrollment, enabling Auto-Charge for the monthly fees. So it’s imperative that a deposit fee be configured, even if a very small amount. Can also set the deposit fee to be first month’s fee or First and last month’s fee. The amount collected for deposit is your choice but you must charge some sort of deposit fee in order to capture the Credit Card number to be used for the Automated Recurring Billing.
Fee schedule
Now you will configure a basic fee schedule. You can choose to add one basic fee, or multiple depending on what works best for your organization.
Select the user type, (usually regular student by default,). You must always configure a fee schedule for whatever student is configured as you default student. Then select a payment schedule, (how frequently they will pay,) and lastly select the G/L code (if applicable.)
You will see the '1098 eligible' checkbox. Select this if your organization uses this form for tax purposes, and leave it blank if you do not.
Setting up Automated Recurring monthly fees based on number of days per week.
With the After School Module, families select to enroll student for a regular weekly attendance. This can be for any different set of days, but always the same days of attendance per week, such as Mon/Wed or Wed/Thu which is 2 days per week or MTWTHF which is 5 days per week. The fees are configured as the monthly fee that equates to X number of days per week. Student would attend the same schedule of days every week.
For example, fees for one day a week (any day but always the same day like Tuesdays) may be priced at $120 per month (Your fee may vary).
Any 2 days per week might be $200.00 (always the same 2 days per week).
Any 3 days per week might be $280.00 per month.
Any 4 days per week might be $340.00 per month, and
5 days per week might be $375 per month. Your fees may vary but this is how fees for After School Module are calculated.
Enter the monthly fees for each number of days per week. Click Save fees.