The Instructor Hours Report is your primary source of payroll data. It contains information related to each lesson and class that can be exported and provide to your method of paying payroll. The report is designed to be run on activities that are configured to pay on an Hourly schedule so, by default, it includes Private Lessons and Classes where the teacher pay schedule is Hourly. (Check that your classes are configured for an hourly schedule.) Additional filters allow you to include other teaching activities as necessary.
First, we'll look at the typical method of running the report and find all teaching tracked hourly with attendance records.
Go to Reports > Master Reports > Financial Reports > Instructor Hours Report (BETA)
There are four ways to view the data:
- Instructor Summary – Sum of Hours and Pay by Role Type
- Instructor & Item – Summary of hours and Role Type by individual
- Full Details – all fields connected with each individual lesson including attendance taken date, lesson duration, etc. ** We recommend running this report by instructor or department. It is very large.
- Instructor Sub Total by Role and GL code - Summary of Hours and Pay with Role Type and GL Expense code
By Default, the system checks to see that records are configured. To be fully configured the record will:
- include the pay role and rate associated with the teacher, and
- have attendance records against each teaching activity
The Full Details Display type contains codes to help you identify where records are not fully configured.
These codes appear in the first column of the report and help you identify which records need updates. Ideally all your records will have a green R in the first column. Also, you can use the filter Records > Only Ready to Process Hours to check that the hours you are processing are all configured.
When you have verified that all records are correct, you can prevent attendance codes from this period from being altered by clicking Mark as Payroll Processed.
This report can be exported to Excel and then imported to your pay role processor.
Best Practice Tip: always save a Summary and/or
Full Details export of each Payroll Batch for reference
Previous page - Step Three - Attendance