There are lots of different ways to use this report. If you still have questions, please do email us.
Some things to note:
- The report runs by default from 12 am of each day so if you need to run it on a two week period, say the 1st to the 14th day of the month, select the 1st to 15th (ie. stop the search at 12 am of the 15th day)
- If you delete a class or lesson which may have had teaching hours associated with it, this will remove the teaching record from the payroll.
Important Rules regarding Mark as Payroll Processed
If you use Process Payroll:
- You can only process items with Attendance, and/or Raw Hours
- for classes, at least one student must be entered as present
- for lessons, any attendance code with Teacher Paid must be used
- Items included must have Payrate and Role set up if HOURLY.
- Classes that do not have an hourly pay schedule will show on the report with 0 hours and $0 pay. These classes will be included in your report if you select 'Include non-hourly activities.'
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I identify which records do not have attendance entered?
A: Go to Filters > Records > select Only Records Without Attendance. Notice here you can filter your data to help isolate the different types of records.
Q: Some of my teacher's enter their attendance really late, after I have processed payroll and so I have to include in the next payroll period. How do I find this late attendance?
A: To include attendance that may have been entered late and after a specific period has been processed, widen the date range using the Filter by Attendance Date option AND Records = Only Records without attendance
Q: Our teachers do not enter attendance. Can I still use this report to track their hours?
A: Yes. You can run this in just the same way as above and, if configured, the pay rate will show based on the scheduled teaching.
Q: I processed my payroll but I'm seeing some records that don't say Processed against them. What happened?
A: You can only process items with Attendance, and/or Raw Hours, with:
- for classes, at least one student entered as present
- for lessons, any attendance code with Teacher Paid
Q: How do I know that I've done all the checks and balances and the records are accurate?
A: Go to Filters > Records > select Only Ready to Process Hours This will return all records that have attendance AND are configured with payroles and rates.
Q: I have a few teachers who are not paid hourly. Will these be included in this report?
A: Yes and no. As this report tracks hourly teaching, all non-hourly teaching displays differently. To include teaching that is not tracked hourly, check the Include non-hourly payment structures option. This will include a record of the teaching but, depending on your configuration, pay rate and duration of teaching may both say 0.