There is a report in ASAP that helps you track students status towards the 90-day period of participation rule. The report is found on Reporting | Miscellaneous | Periods of Participation.
Select one or more time periods, choose a WIOA instructional program (only the WIOA ones appear, no others), select one or more (or all) courses and then do the following:
- Enter a date --> this is the date from which ASAP looks backward
- In the example below, I used 11/1/2022 and want to look at any student who has missed 50 calendar days since the last date of attendance.
- Enter Days Absent --> enter the number of days absences. Any student with this number of days absence (calendar days) or more since the last date of attendance, will be displayed.
- In the example below, I want to know about any student with 50 or more calendar days without attendance in the WIOA | ESL/ELL Program.
In the example above, notice Student First has 85 days since his last attendance date. This student is approaching the 90 mark and should be contacted.
Report Rules:
Report looks at Enrolled, Pending, Dropped and Completed.
If Dropped, we want the office to know the teacher Dropped the student.
- If Completed, we count because student could be marked Completed in Fall and has not yet come back in Spring so POP counts from last attendance date in Completed class.
- Best Practices
- Make sure instructors are up-to-date with their attendance records.