The following instructions show how to import test scores from CASAS TOPS Enterprise and import into ASAP.
In TOPS Enterprise (TE), pull up the test records you want to import into ASAP.
- In TE, go to Records/Tests
- Enter a date range
- Uncheck the EL Civics Additional Assessment Forms when filtering your test score data
4. Click Export/Export WIOA 3rd Party Test Data.
5. Export this result set to a CSV file and save this file on your local computer.
6. If you rename the CSV file, the file name and sheet/tab label must match.
Login into ASAP and go to In the dropdown, select the option “Import Tops Tests”. Click the “Choose File” button and browse to your test score file. Click Upload to start the process.
The test scores will be imported into ASAP and now your teachers can view these scores by navigating to "Manage CASAS TOPSpro” from the ellipsis on the Class Detail page. Each student has a Test Score link and the teacher can view all the scores for each student. Use the Class Test Score link to view a roster of scores.
Test scores can be viewed individually from the Student Detail page. Within the Students Detail page, go to Education Records/Test Scores.
All imported scores can also be viewed using the Imported CASAS TOPS Test Scores report found under Reporting/Custom Queries.
NOTE: COAAP test results are not included in the import process since COAAPs are not considered pre-tests or post tests. They are additional assessments. The overall outcome of how a student performed on the civic objective, be it 231 or 243 is a Pass or Fail. There are anywhere between 2 to 4 tasks in an objective, but that's not reflected anywhere in the final outcome. There are downsides to keeping the COAAPs in ASAP as they may interfere with the reports relating to CASAS tests records in ASAP.