First step is to request a copy of the pre-slug file from ASAP support. You'll need to install this program on your desktop.
Open the TOPS client, click "Set Margins", then click "Edit Margins". You can start with the default margin settings then make adjustments as needed.
Default margin settings:
TOPS Forms
Top = 0.68
Bottom = 0.15
Left = 0.68
Right = 0.15
Next open ASAP and go to VIEW REPORTS/MASTER REPORTS/Miscellaneous/Export TOPS to Print Test Forms. Or go directly to this link
Select a Time Period and other options if needed, then select an Instructional Program. Click "Filter", click "Export to CSV", then save file. Be sure to save the file directly from your browser. Do not open the file and save. Save it right from the browser. You might need to edit your browser settings to allow "Ask where to save each file before downloading".
Next - open the TOPS client and click "Test Forms", then click "TOPS tests back". Select the names you wish to pre-slug and print.