Changing the registrant for a class is only available if the students are associated with each other/are on the same family account. This allows you to change the registrant for both an enrolled transaction and a pending/unpaid transaction. All enrollment details will remain the same. The only change that you are making is the name of the registrant.
From the left nav panel, select 1 find | student, 2 search for the student and select 3view details.
Select the 4 class that you want to change the registrant for, from the Active Enrollments tab in the student details screen
Select 5 Change Registrant
Select the 6 student you want to associate with the class and click save
Now notice that the 7 registrant has been changed. In this example, because the enrollment was pending, this enrollment is pending as well and the payment still needs to be processed. If the original enrollment was complete and paid, this changed enrollment would be complete and paid as well.