This article will show you how to troubleshoot getting your listings to appear on your public site. Click here to see a video showing the same troubleshooting hints.
The listings that you see on the left nav panel of your public site are coming from the course groups that you configured on your admin site and associated with courses. If you don't see the course group listing on the left nav panel of your public site, this is happening because of one of the five following reasons:
--you haven't selected the course group to be shown online
To verify that your course group has been selected to show online, do the following:
From the left nav panel, select 1 Configure | Course Groups. Select the 2 Course Group that you want to see on the left nav panel of your public site and select 3 Edit. Make sure that 4 Show Online is ticked and click 5 save.
--the course is located in the wrong course group
If you've already verified that the course group is selected to show online but you still don't see it on your public left nav, it might be in the wrong course group. To find out which course group a course is located in, do the following:
From the left nav panel, select 6 Find | Courses. Locate the 7 Course and click 8 View Details.
Notice which 9 course group(s) the course is associated with. If you need to change the course group, click Remove
Click 10 Add More Groups. Select the 11 Course Group it should be associated with (this is a course group you have already determined is selected to show online). Click 12 save.
--there aren't any classes available in the course group/course/time period
Course groups will only appear if there are scheduled classes within a course that is associated with the course group. This means the class(es) was/were never scheduled. To verify this, do the following:
From the left nav panel, select 13 Find | Courses. Make sure 14 All Time Period is selected. Locate the 15 course. See how many 16 active classes are associated with the course. You may need to create new classes for this course (single or multiple).
--the time period that contains the classes does not have the box checked for: Configuration is complete, make this time period available in the system
Go to Find/Time periods and find the time period the classes in your course group are in. Click on Edit and scroll to the bottom of the page and check the box next to Configuration is complete, make this time period available in the system.
--the time period that contains the classes is not yet available for online registration
Even if your course group is set to show online, the courses are in the correct (and set to show online) course groups, and you have current classes within the courses, the remaining issue will be that the time period isn't set to be available for online registration at the current date.
From the left nav panel, select 17 Configure | Online Registration. Locate the 18 time period that you are working on and look at the Reg begin date. In this example, imagine that you are looking for the course group on the left nav panel of your public site on May 20, 2011. Based on the begin date here, you won't see the course group (or anything within that time period) appear until May 25, 2011. To change this date, select 19 edit (the notepad to the far right of the time period), make changes and save the changes.
-you have programs enabled
Programs are a level of organization above course groups. If you don't have them configured, but your system is accidentally set to allow program navigation online, you won't be able to see your course groups (because the system wants to place them beneath a program that you aren't currently using).
To turn off program navigation, navigate to Configure | Preferences, and go to the Preference section. Edit this preference so that 19 Allow Program Navigation Online is set to No.
If you DO have them configured, make sure your Course Group is in the Program. To verify that it is in the right Program:
From the left nav panel, select 1 Configure | Course Groups and switch to Configure Programs (at the top of the page). Select the 2 Program that you want to see on the left nav panel of your public site and select 3 Edit. Make sure that 4 your course group appears. If it does not, select it from the Course Groups on the left and click the green + to add it to the Program. Click Save.