Likely, your user account isn't set to have access to all students. Edit your user account and tick the Allow Access to All Customers
tick box and save the changes. If this tick box isn't selected, the
user/staff member will only have access to the students who are
registered in classes that are assigned him/her.
Articles in this section
- ASAP Security and Backup Information
- Send a link / URL to your staff so they can log into ASAP
- Why don't I see a class I just created in my public website? The course group is showing up and so are other classes within that course group. (Setup and Use)
- I don't see the listing (Course Group) on the left nav panel on my public page that I expect to see. Why might this be happening? (Setup and Use)
- I'm searching for a student on my admin site and I can't locate him/her. What should I do? (Students and Customers)
- I added/changed fees to a course that already has classes created. How do I apply those fees to the existing classes? (Course and Class Management)
- Why do I see incomplete registration form information for a student? The responses are required. (Students and Customers)