FAQs: Most popular!!!
- ASAP Security and Backup Information
- Send a link / URL to your staff so they can log into ASAP
- Why don't I see a class I just created in my public website? The course group is showing up and so are other classes within that course group. (Setup and Use)
- I don't see the listing (Course Group) on the left nav panel on my public page that I expect to see. Why might this be happening? (Setup and Use)
- I'm searching for a student on my admin site and I can't locate him/her. What should I do? (Students and Customers)
- I added/changed fees to a course that already has classes created. How do I apply those fees to the existing classes? (Course and Class Management)
FAQs: Support
FAQs: Setup and Use
- How to Archive a Time Period and how to view an Archived Time Period in ASAP 4
- Supported Browsers
- What's the best way to get a notification when someone registers for a class?
- Where do staff bios appear?
- How do I change my password?
- Is there an image size limit?
FAQs: Course and Class Management
- How do I edit a class I already created?
- Import enrollment records
- How do I edit a course I already created?
- What does Auto Re-Enroll mean?
- How do I uncancel a cancelled class?
- Where do Course and Class descriptions appear?
FAQs: Financials
- How do I refund part of an invoice to cash/check/credit card and the other part of an invoice to credit?
- Will a customer / student see a Void invoice on the Public Portal?
- Why can't I process a refund?
- What's the best way to process financial aid?
- What should a student/customer/registrant do if a credit card is declined?
- I get bccs whenever a payment is processed How do I know if an invoice was processed on my public page or on admin via Quick Enroll?
FAQs: Reporting
- How can I see a list of email addresses that have had emails sent through Manage Emails?
- How do I make custom registration form questions appear on a roster or a report?
- I'm trying to run an attendance report, but I only see one page of dates. How can I see more?
- I'm trying to run a report with Social Security Numbers but I can't see them. What am I doing wrong?
FAQs: Students and customers
- I enrolled a student in the wrong class. What do I do?
- How to add Home School to your registration form
- How do I change contact information for a family account?
- Can I reset a customer's password from my ASAP admin site?
- How should I instruct a student / customer to reset his/her password?
- What's the difference between a Family, a Customer Type and a Customer Group?