If you’ve arrived at this page, you’re a new client and we’ve asked you to complete our client data template. The template is an Excel workbook with a number of different sheets in it (you can see the different sheets by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the workbook). Each sheet holds a different type of information.
The column names in this spreadsheet are mapped to fields in your ASAP system. Please do not move or add columns! This will either put data in the wrong fields or prevent the import entirely.
Note: Not all of the information we ask for in the template is required. You only have to enter information in columns where there is an asterisk (*) next to the column title.
Let's get started. We'll begin with the Locations sheet...
These are the locations (street addresses) where you hold your classes. Most clients only have a single location but some have many.
These are the rooms where your classes are held. You can name a room whatever you want (“Room 101”, “Piano Room” “Ceramics Studio”, etc).
The third column in the Rooms sheet, "Location Name", is where you tell us which location the room is at (use the location names you entered in the Locations sheet). For example, if all of your rooms are at the location named Main Campus, then put Main Campus in that column next to every room.
The staff sheet is for entering two types of people:
- teachers (the people teaching your classes)
- anyone who will need to login to ASAP
The only required information in this sheet is their first name, their last name, and their email address. The rest of the information is optional.
If a staff member is a teacher, put YES in the IS TEACHER column (column D). That will allow you to control what information a teacher can access when they log into ASAP. If a staff member is not a teacher then leave this column blank (you do not need to enter NO).
If your are offering Private Lessons, enter the instrument the instructor teaches in the Subject column.
Some schools divide their years up into semesters (Fall 2015, Summer 2016) or in other ways (2016-2017). We call these divisions Time Periods. By default, we will import your classes into 12-month time periods. If you prefer to use segmented time periods like seasons or semesters, these can be created in the ASAP system.
Discuss with your ASAP Representative, and determine your desired time periods prior to importing your classes. Once these time periods are created in ASAP, enter the Time Period Codes in the appropriate column (D) of sheet 6 on the import template.
When creating Time Periods, you can consult with your ASAP Representative or go to Find > Time Periods, click Add New and the following:
FISCAL YEAR: Leave Blank (can be discussed if necessary)
TIME PERIOD CODE - Required Field. A unique 10-character code, letters, numbers, dashes, decimals/periods, no spaces or other special characters. Fall 2017 could be Fall2017 or FA17; whatever works for your organization, as long as there are no spaces, special characters and is limited to 10 characters. Use this code on your Import Template.
TIME PERIOD START AND END DATES are the range of dates within which the classes occur. These are required fields.
START DATE - The date of the first day of classes for this time period.
END DATE - The date of the last day of classes for this time period
NAME: Required field, 25 characters and spaces allowed
REGISTRATION FEE, FAMILY TIME PERIOD FEE, FEE TIERS: May be left blank, and can be discussed with your ASAP Representative
Accounting Codes
If you use accounting codes (otherwise known as general ledger codes or G/L codes) you can enter them here. If not then leave this column sheet blank.
Programs and Course Groups
There are a few levels of hierarchy that allow you to group your classes in different ways. Programs and Course Groups are at the top of that hierarchy and you can learn more about how they work here. They allow you to group your courses in different ways to make it easy for your customers to find classes.
Programs are at the top of the hierarchy and are not a required field. They provide the broadest grouping and are used on the website navigation for grouping and in some reports. For example, if you're a Community Arts School and offer a range of classes you might have programs for Music, Art, and Dance. Some schools use Programs to group by age range (Children, Youth and Adults) or skill level (Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced). You can create a Custom Registration Form just for classes within a Program. This is especially helpful if you have a Summer Camp group as you often need to ask campers different questions than your regular students throughout the school year.
Course Groups can only be associated with one Program.
Within Programs are Course Groups. These ARE a required field. Again, they are used in the navigation on the website and they house each of your courses. Course Groups might be Tap, Ballet, Jazz (in a Dance Program) or Early Childhood Music, Teen Ensembles and Silver Seniors Choruses.
Courses can be associated with multiple Course Groups.
Enter your Program and then your Course Groups. Remember your Course Groups can only live within one Program but you can have Courses in many Course Groups.
Courses and Classes
All right, we’re ready to enter your class info (this is just group classes. We'll enter information for Private Lessons later). This sheet requires the most information and looks a little daunting, but it's really not that bad. Let’s get started╔
COURSE NAME - The name of the course.
COURSE CODE - If you don’t currently use course codes here’s an article on how to create them. All we need is a unique code (no spaces) for each course. For example, Beginning Spanish could be BegSpan, BeginningSpan, BS, whatever you like.
CLASS CODE - If you don’t use class codes you can skip this column.
TIME PERIOD CODE - Enter one of the time period codes from the Dates sheet. If you don’t use time periods you can skip this column.
TEACHER FIRST, TEACHER LAST, LOCATION, ROOM - Use the information you entered in the prior sheets.
START DATE / END DATE - The start and end dates for the class. Please format dates as 00/00/0000 or 0/0/0000.
START TIME / END TIME - The start and end time for the class. Please format times as 00:00 PM or 0:00 PM.
DAYS - The days when the classes are held. Enter days as two-letter abbreviations, with no spaces in between them. For example, a class taking place Monday thru Friday would be entered MoTuWeThFr. A Monday Wednesday Friday class would be entered MoWeFr.
DEFAULT FEE - This is the price of the class. If your class costs $60, enter 60 (no dollar sign).
DEFAULT FEE TYPE - The name of the default fee. You can call it “Registration Fee”, “Application Fee”, whatever you like.
DEFAULT FEE TYPE G/L CODE - If you use G/L codes you can enter them here.
FEE 2, FEE 3 - These are optional fee fields for if you have more than one fee per class.
CAPACITY - The maximum amount of people who can enroll in a particular class. If you enter 30 here, then the 31st person trying to enroll will be told that the class is full.
WAITLISTING - Put YES in this column if you want to allow waitlisting (click here for more information).
MIN/MAX AGE - If you have age-based enrollment requirements enter them here.
MIN ENROLLMENT - If you entered the number 5 here and only 4 people enrolled in a class, the class would automatically be cancelled and the students notified.
ADDITIONAL INFO - This information will appear on the receipt that the system sends out to students after they enroll in a class. “Don’t forget to wear sunscreen!”, “Bring a blanket!”, etc.
CREDIT VALUE - Only use if your classes are credit-based.
PREREQUISITES - This information will appear on the class detail page. It will NOT prevent a user from registering in a class.
COURSE GROUP - We use course groups to create the navigation on your new registration site. For example, if you have a bunch of math classes, you can enter “Math” in the course group column for those classes and we will create a “Math” section on your new site.
MIN/MAX GRADE - An alternative to MIN/MAX AGE
COURSE DESCRIPTION - Enter your course descriptions here. These are the descriptions that will appear on your registration site, so make them good!