The Configure | Preferences section is full of options and choices that help shape the global details of your ASAP site. These steps will deal with the following areas:
Organization Info, Payment and Transaction Configuration and Preferences.
Please note that your User Access Level must allow you system configuration rights for you to be able to work with this page.
From the left nav panel, select 1 Configure | Preferences.
Each section has an 2 edit button. To make changes to any of the options, click the edit button for the section, make changes and save (or cancel out of) any changes that you make.
Organization Info
The Organization Info section contains all of the options available to you about contact and basic organization information.
The 3 Name will appear on your admin site, public site, and invoices.
Your non-ASAP/standard 4 URL can be placed/edited here, and the ASAP URL is placed here by ASAP and is not editable.
The 5 description is for internal purposes only and will not appear on your public ASAP site.
The 6 Site Headquarters that is selected here determines the headquarters for your organization. If you only have one site, this will be your primary site. The address for this site (in Site Details) will appear on the Contact Us page of your public ASAP website.
The 7 From Email is the default email that invoices and receipts are sent from. This can be changed on a template by template basis in Configure | Manage Emails.
The 8 contact name, 9 phone and 10 email will appear on the contact us page of your public website.
The 11 tax id will appear on receipts.
Payment and Transaction Configuration
To change the types of credit cards your organization accepts, edit 12 credit cards accepted. NOTE: the details and specifics of which credit cards you accept must be managed with your payment gateway,, BluePay, etc.
If you allow your online registrants to 14 Pay Later, anyone registering for a class on your public ASAP website will be able to choose this option and hold a pending place in a class (until complete payment is made). This is different than simply selecting and not paying for a class on your public website, which shows no record of the registration attempt if no payment is made.
Choosing yes for 15 Allow users to pay deposit-only for valid courses enables deposits for specific courses. This simply enables this within the system, and you will still need to choose which courses are eligible for deposit only and enter the amount of deposit that you will accept for the course. Students with partial payment will have an enrollment status of Pending until complete payment is made or enrollment status is changed by someone on your admin site.
Selecting yes for 16 Generic Credit allows your admin users to give credit to any registrant/account. These credits are not associated with any G|L account.
Selecting yes for 17 Allow customers to make partial payments on existing invoices allows a registrant to pay any amount for any course within your system and obtain a pending enrollment until full payment is made. This is different from enabling a deposit amount, because deposit amount is only for the courses that you select and for a specified, standard amount. Partial payment is entirely up the registrant's discretion.
When 18 Force payment of balance due is selected, any time a registrant is logged into your public ASAP portal and has a balance due on his/her account, the student will be brought to the payment page and won't be able to select or purchase any additional classes or items until full payment is made on the account.
If you allow students to register online or if you process online credit cards through your admin site through a payment gateway, 19 Accept Online Payments must be marked as Yes.
Allow payment plans 20 turns on/off the ability for you to set up a payment plan on an individual invoice.
Allow students to create payment plans 21 turns on/off the ability for students to create their own payment plans on your public portal.
The 22 confirmation bcc will receive a blind carbon copy of every payment processed through your organization.
23 Sales tax will be applied to any product that is selected to have sales tax applied to it.
24 Currency country is currently not functional
25 Use Saved Credit Cards allows you to save/not save credit cards in your system. This also allows students on your public portal to save credit cards within your system.
Selecting the 26 Update Gateway Information link allows you to make changes to the payment gateway.
Selecting the 27 Add/View Custom Payment Types allows you to view any custom payment types that you have already created and to create new payment types, for example, gift certificates.
Selecting yes for 28 Allow waitlist enables waitlists within the system. You will still need to select the waitlist tick box in any class that you want to allow for a waitlist.
Selecting yes for 29 Allow registration after classes begin allows students to register for classes after the class has begun.
30 Auto-send class reminders before first class. Sends THREE DAYS prior to class start. You can configure this template upon saving this preference, or you can configure the template later by going to configure Manage emails, click “Manage My email Templates”, Select Class Reminder Email, (do not change the template TYPE nor the HTML code in the message) and add any customized comments to the messaging, but do not edit or delete the HTML coding for the class reminder. Click here for more information about configuring email templates.
Selecting yes for 31allow automatic prorating of class fee will automatically prorate any class fees if a student registers for a class after the class has begun.
Selecting yes for 32Allow students to transfer classes online will allow students to manage transferring on your public ASAP website (not common).
Unless you have a complex structure of registration forms, the standard answer for 33Allow students to select their own member type during registration is No.
If you will be assigning G|L codes to all fees, select Yes for 34 Assign G|L codes to all fees. You will still need to set up and apply G|L codes to any courses, classes, products, discounts, and any other item that you want to follow with G|L accounts.
To show class openings on both admin and public, select Yes for 35 Show class openings. This will show both open slots in the class and negative numbers if there is an active waitlist for the class.
Select No for 36 Require manual entry for coupon codes for in-house registrars if you want registrars to be able to select any active coupons from a drop down rather than typing the code(s) in manually. You will still need to set up the coupons and this will only be functional on your admin site (not on your public site).
38 Allow Program Navigation Online enables programs to be the largest level of hierarchy on your public portal. Most organizations will set this to No.
39 Email invoice on payment allows you to enable/prevent ASAP from automatically sending an email to the email address of record when an invoice has been paid.
Most organizations will respond No to 40 Track computers and devices to transactions (this is only for use with very large organizations with multiple admin computers receiving payment and registering students at the same time).
41 Allow company registration allows organizations with the company module enabled to have their public registrants/companies register their employees for classes on their public site.
Default 42 Time Zone andState can be set here. Time zone will dictate online registration start dates. State will automatically populate state fields in online registration (registrants can override this and type any state in the state fields).
43Password Security Strength will force passwords on asapconnected (admin) and/or online registration (public) to have a higher level of security. None makes no requirements. Medium requires a minimum of 6 characters, one of which must be a number. Strong requires a minimum of 6 characters, one of which must be a number and one of which must be a special character.
44 Collapse Threshhold determines how a course group and courses appear on your public site. The example below has a collapse threshhold of 3. This means that if a course group is selected from the left nav on the public site, and there are 2 courses within the course group, each course will appear with detail, but if 3 or more courses are within the selected course group, the courses will appear in a collapsed list and registrants will click on an expand button to see detail about each course. Having a small collapse threshhold prevents your students from scrolling through long course descriptions to find the specific course they are searching for.
45 Maximum credit threshold allows you to set a maximum amount of credits that a student can earn per time period. For example, if you are a university that allows students to take a maximum of 15 credits a term, you could set this to 15 and could set course credits to be 5 each. In this case, students would only be allowed to take 3 classes each time period. This is not common. Most schools will leave this alone/at zero.
46 Allow drop-in allows for drop in fees to be established at the course/class level.
47 Use Hourly Payroll is still in development. Stay tuned for updates!