The Site and Facility are where a specific class will be conducted.
The Site is the building that the class will be scheduled in, for example, Main Campus. The Facility is the specific place that the class will be held in, for example, Music Room, Main Swimming Pool, Picnic Table.
There may be multiple Facilities within Sites (Room1, Room 2, Room3 etc.) or there may be just one Facility within a Site (Multi-Purpose Room, Pool, etc.). This is really driven by the way that your organization is built. All Sites must have at least one Facility to use when creating classes. You can also create a Facility when creating a class (see Create Class). If you don't know where the class will be held, you can create a facility/room called TBD.
From the left nav panel, select 1 Create | New Site. Type the 2 information you have for the site. If you are uploading an image, the file type must be a JPEG. Type a 3 Short Description for the site, for example, Western Media Center For The Arts Main Campus, (310) 555-1212. The description will only show on your admin side, not your public site. Type the 4 address . The address will be used for automatic mapping on the public site. FInally, click 5 save.
Now that you have created a new site, you are ready to create a facility.
From the left nav panel, select 6 Find | Sites. Select the 7 Site where you want to place the Facility and 8 View Details for the Site
Select 9 Add New to add a new Facility to the Site
Make sure the appropriate 10 site is still selected. You can skip selecting a 11 Group--you can learn more about this later. Type the 12 Name, Short Description and a Description for the Facility and add an optional JPEG image. Enter the 13 total Available (1 is customary). Leave the Maximum, Uses Facility Access and Make Reservable Online deselected (these are used for the Reservations Module) and click 14 Save.