This report provides four options:
- Print Weekly Report - provides hours per student. If accessed via the ClassAttendances page by clicking the printer icon, it will show all attendance for a week at a time on a page per class. If accessed via the Class Details page or Master Reports page, you can choose what attendance type you want to include. It is the same format as 10 Meetings but just a calendar week at a time.
- Print Class Summary - total attendance hours for a date range and enrollment counts by class (no individual student information) for a range of classes.
- Print Student Att Summary - total attendance hours for each student for a date range including total hours in class YTD
- 10 Meetings From Date - total attendance hours, depending on type of attendance and other options. See below for more information
The Printable Attendance Report (Weekly) is under View Reports/Master Reports/Attendance Reports.
Date Options
- All = Calendar days except Sat/Sun - if there is a schedule but no hours and no hourly bulk hours will show the dates. Report Sample
- With Attendance Only = Students without hours will show but only those DATES will show in the columns. Can use this option with just one attendance type (not all). Report Sample
- Scheduled Days Only = Only bulk hours that are part of the scheduled class days will display. If bulk hours entered on non-scheduled date, will not show. Report Sample
- Calendar Days = All days will show regardless of class schedule. Report Sample
Attendance Type Options
- California Attendance Types (CalWORKS, Concurrent HS, Apprenticeship, Jail)
- Attendance Type (Regular, CC, CVE, Make-Up, Lab, Distance Learning, Independent Study)