State and Federal reporting instructions
- CalWORKS and Concurrent HS student attendance data
- How do we mark a student CalWORKS or Concurrent HS?
- Unduplicated and duplicated counts
- Attendance Summary Report - by CalWORKS, Concurrent HS and Regular and/or Attendance Type
- How many students earned a "Diploma" during a date range?
- How many students passed the HSE exam?
- Export all the grades and credits earned within a Time Period
- Student Attendance Report - total hours across date range by class
- How many students got a job during a date range?
- Reports for Count of CalWORKS students
- IPEDS Reporting
- Print a large group of individual attendance reports for students
- Useful reports for WASC and data analysis
- WIOA course groups and CAEP program areas crosswalk
- Where can I see the CASAS TOPS Test Scores I imported?
- CalWORKS attendance verification report
- Re-Registration Form
- Printable Attendance Report (Weekly)
- COE report
- Track student progress between courses
- P1/P2/Annual
- J18/19 Year End Attendance Report