If you want to know your hours, ADA and counts of students with attendance across a date range, run the Attendance Summary Report (see more details: Attendance Summary Report with counts of enrollments and students within a date range)
When running the report, you can choose to see just CalWORKS, just Concurrent HS, just Apprenticeship, just Jail or all students where the results are broken out by Regular, CalWORKS, Concurrent HS, Apprenticeship and Jail. Or you can even get one number for all students by picking Customer Group = All.
You can also restrict the results to just the special hourly attendance types such as CC, CVE, Independent Study, Distance Learning, Make-up, Lab and Private Lesson. You can also select one or more Sites to break down the data in that fashion.
The results can be grouped by:
Total for the Org, Course Group (careful - this is duplicated), Course, Class, Home School, Ethnicity & Gender.
This report replaces the following reports from Version 2:
1.1 Hours by Program
1.3 Attendance and Enrollment
1.4 Attendance by Program, course and section
1.12 Attendance by Section
1.17 Attendance by ADA Type within a Section
1.18 Daily Attendance Summary by Section/Program
1.22 Enrollment Count & Hours
1.66 Attendance Summary or Detail by Section and Attendance Type