The class number field that is used in the integration with CASAS TE has some limitations. The limit is 8 characters. ASAP recommends that you use up to six (6) characters for the course portion followed by a period (".") followed by two (2) characters. This helps you identify the course from the class identifier very easily.
Course = Welding
Course Code = 103040
Class = Welding on Monday's at 6 PM with John Barley.
Class Code = 103040.01
- ASAP allows alpha/numeric values in the course and class ID field
- TE is limited to eight (8) characters so we recommend the above model
- TE allows alpha/numeric characters. However, alpha characters are not allowed on any scannable CASAS answer sheets (Entry, Update, etc.).
- Which means if you do all integrations with TE via electronic means, you may use alpha characters.
- If you want to scan Entry / Update / answer sheets, which require the Class ID, you may not use alpha values in the course/class ID.