When a student graduates from your school with a high school diploma, you need to record that in several places to be sure it affects all necessary items.
- Student Detail | Diploma Earned & Date --> find the student, go to the Details tab then Education History. Click the pencil icon to edit the Diploma Earned and Diploma Date fields. Check the box and record the date and save.
- Display diploma date on transcripts --> to show the diploma date on a transcript record, record the diploma date under the Credit Program.
- Go Student Details, then Education Records. Click the Credits tab.
- Select the appropriate Credit Program, click the ellipsis, enter the Diploma Date and save. This will allow the date to be printed on the transcript. Grad date can also be recorded and saved.
- TE Update Record --> be sure to mark on the student's TE Update record Earned high school diploma. Go to Class Details, click the upper right ellipsis and choose 'Manage CASAS TOPS'. Click the Update link for the student you wish to record as Earned high school diploma.