Provide a total enrollment count, duplicated, no attendance required (see Table 1 rules). Then provide a Participant count where a Participant is a student with at least 12 hours of attendance OR that student has less than 12 hours but has completed the class. Provide a count of all students who have successfully completed a class. Calculate the Completion Percentage by taking count of completions over total participants. Please note: this is a duplicated report, where students are counted multiple times based on enrollments.
- Courses must be assigned to an AEBG Course Group
- Enrollment Count - student does not need attendance. Count each enrollment separately
- Participants - students must meet one of the following criteria
- Student has at least 12 hours of attendance in a class
- Student has less than 12 hours of attendance but enrollment status = Completed
- Completion - the student's enrollment status = Completed.
- The instructor and staff determine the completion of a student. If a student has successfully learned the curriculum of an approved course, that student has successfully completed the class. Learning gains, diplomas, certificates, etc are not required to be Completed. The instructor and staff determine whether a student has completed.
- Completion Rate = formula where Completion is divided by Participants
Please note: the rule whereby a participant is completed allows for including students who have less than 12 hours of attendance but have successfully completed the curriculum. This can include subject areas within HSD where all attendance is recorded in a "holding class" and students are individually enrolled in subject area classes with only grades, credits and enrollment status = Completed are recorded (e.g. no attendance). This will count toward Completion.