Now that you have a nice and shiny event all set up, you want to start generating some revenue from it! There are a few easy ways to do this.
The first way would be to send registrants to the online registration site located here: Access Online Checkout Links
Now, if you are a new or current registrant, there are a few ways to reach the event from your organization's home page. The first step would be to check the left panel to see if any Events are available. Click on the "Events" category to look for any upcoming events. If you do not see an "Events" listing, selecting the "Calendar" link will also display a list of available events.
If you are searching for an event on a particular date, the "Date Range" icon can help you make plans for that particular day. Entering a range of dates will allow you to see which events will be coming up for this organization. If you know the location of the event you are searching for, use the "Select a Location" drop down to find out which locations have anything upcoming.
So now you've found the event you're looking for and you need some tickets? Perfect! Go ahead and click on the event title or the image that appears on the same line to get more details. On the event details page, find the ticket type you are purchasing for and choose a quantity of how many you would like to buy. Once done, click on the "Add to Cart" button. This will direct you to the checkout page. From here, just follow the steps to create a new account or login to an existing one to continue to purchase tickets.