Creating an event is a simple process that only involves a few different steps to get started. There are different ways to really make your event page stand out. Utilizing the knowledge of what each of these fields does will help you generate more sales by taking full advantage of what we have to offer. To create a new event, go to the left nav panel and click "Create", then "Event". The following is an explanation of the fields on the page:
Title: This is where you input what you want your event name to be.
Date: This field determines the day your event will occur.
Time: This is where you will set when the event begin. Selecting "Add End Time" will allow you to add an end time to your event. Having an end time is not mandatory.
Time Period: This configuration sets what time period the event will be displayed.
Site: Selecting this drop down will allow you to choose where you would like to hold the event.
Facility/Room: Selecting this drop down will choose where in the site you would like this event.
Coordinator: Selecting this drop down will choose who will be assigned the event.
Capacity: Typing in a numerical quantity will set how many people you would like to attend the event.
Image: This field allows you to upload an image that will be displayed when registrants view the event's detail page.
Details: Typing in this area allows you to write a description of the event. There are three different buttons located on the bottom of this field that each serve a separate function. The first one labeled "Design" gives you the ability to write a description here with use of the detailed tool bar above. The second labeled "HTML" will translate information from the HTML format to be readable when displayed to a registrant. The third marked "Preview" allows you to view the field when all settings or adjustments are in place.
Add Additional Information (will be printed on invoices and reminders): This link will load up the same text field used for writing the details of the event. This allows any additional information that you wanted that may not necessarily belong under the details setting.
Hide from Online Registration: Selecting this option will hide the event from public display. This option is useful if you are still currently editing the event and do not want to make this available for sale.
Events Sale Starts: Setting the date and time will allow you to set when you would like the tickets to go on sale to the public. This will only determine when you can purchase tickets and not when the page will be viewable to the public.
Events Sale Ends: Setting the date and time will allow you set when you like the tickets to stop being available for sale to the public. Tickets will not be able to purchased after this time but the event will still be viewable to the public.
Ticket Pricing: This grid allows you to set the different tickets you would like to put for sale to the public. Each column serves as a function for how the ticket type is to be treated.
- Ticket Type: These are the names of the ticket types that are available to be selected for purchase. If you do not see the ticket type that you would like or would like to create a new one, please see below.
- GL code: Selecting this drop down determines which account is being credited for the sale of the event.
- Price: This determines what you would like the price for each ticket to be. Setting the field as "0.00" will make the ticket free.
- Total Available: This field determines how many of this particular ticket type you would like to make available for public sale.
- Delete: Selecting this option allows you to delete that particular ticket type from being available to the public. This does not complete delete the ticket type from the system, only for this particular event.
- Add Another Ticket Type: If you choose to have more than one ticket type available to the public, you can add more by selecting this button.
Create New Ticket Type: Selecting this option allows you create a new ticket type if you did not see the one you would like in the ticket pricing grid. The "Ticket Name" field is the name you would like to be seen to the public. The "Ticket Code" field is used for your own records when keeping a short hand code in describing the tickets. This is different from the G/L code as it is only used in describing the ticket itself. As a note, only one ticket name can be associated to one code.
After all this, make sure your work doesn't go to waste. The option to "Save" on the bottom will help you keep all the edits you've made. If at any time you would like to make any changes to what you have created, just go to "I want to:" drop down and select "Edit this Event". That's all there is to it. Great! Now go and enjoy your event.