Have you ever come up with an issue where you have to have the same event for multiple days? Maybe it's a carnival happening on consecutive days? Maybe you have an upcoming play that is ongoing for more than one day. Well, this article is for you! We have added this wonderful function that allows to have the same event set up for multiple dates. Whether you are creating a new event or editing an existing one, this can be set up to be added for multiple days.
If you are starting from scratch, the best way to go would be start as if you were creating a new event. Click here if you need a quick reminder how to. Once you fill out the section for date and time, all you would have to do is hit the button "Add another date/time". That's it! After you've completed the rest of the sections and hit save, an event page is created for each date and time you've created. If you need to make small adjustments to a particular event, just search for it under Find > Events.