The Transaction Report is a great way to balance your books. Find the report by selecting Transaction Report from the left nav or from within Master Reports.
This report allows you to see all transactions for a generalized time frame (This Year, This Week, etc.) or a specified date range. It also allows you to choose the transaction type (Paid, Processing, etc.) and the Source (online and in-house.). You can always leave these alone to see All transactions. Make your selections and click the Filter button. When you see the report, you can further sort by the Transaction Status column by changing the operation to not equal and typing the search criteria paid in the green header row. When you enter you get all transactions that have a status other than paid. To export the report, select the PDF icon.
Each column can be sorted by the response value (ascending or descending) by clicking on the column header title. When you click on Transaction Status the table automatically sorts by status (cashout, credit, credipymt, paid or refund status). The results may be useful for export to excel and therefore into accounting software. You may want to create a PDF of the file so that it can not be edited or changed.