You can easily view and record attendance for private lessons. Your view will depend on your login. If you are an instructor, you will only be able to see attendance records for the lessons assigned to you. If you are an administrator, you will be able to see all records. To view and take attendance, do the following:
1) Go to Private Lessons.
2) Click on “Attendances.”
3) You will be redirected to the Attendances page ( From here, you can filter by date range and instructor to find the most appropriate search results below.
4) Find the lesson for which you would like to take attendance. You click on the small arrow to the left to expand for more information with lesson details.
5) From the drop-down menu, select the attendance status. You will notice that the status is for both the instructor and the student. Options include “Both Present,” “Student Absent (Excused, add Makeup”),“Student Absent (Excused, no Makeup”), “Student Absent (Unexcused)”, “Teacher Absent,” “Jury Lesson” and “None Entered.” Sometimes there are other custom attendance status options that have been set up by the organization. You may select any of those options, then press "Save."
6) If you select "Student Absent, add Makeup," you will find that the lesson instance disappears. This is because the lesson instance is being replaced by one unscheduled lesson, which can be later used to pay for a newly scheduled lesson instance.
7) You may make a global status change at the top. This means that all items displayed will be changed to the same status. To do this, click on the checkbox at the top of “Attendances” column. From here, you will be informed what the global change will be, and you may choose if you want to implement it.
8) If you would like to take attendance on 'Pending Enrollments,' go to Configure > Preferences, go to "Allow attendance for 'Pending' lesson enrollments," and make sure the box is checked.
Example of Regular Attendances:
Example of Attendance with Global Status Change: