Here are some tips to using the Service Hours Report. You can find this report under the Miscellaneous tab in the Reports page.
There are multiple options to filter by for this report:
- Students – select multiple students to display.
- Type of Service – if you want to filter by specific service you can use this feature to do so.
- From Date - Select the earliest date you would like to filter by.
- To Date - Select the last date you would like to filter by.
- Customer Group(s): Filter the report by a customer group.
- Teacher: Filter the report by teacher.
This report displays 7 sections:
- Student ID
- Student Name
- Service
- Service Time by hour
- Date
- Staff
- Notes
The bottom of the report displays totals for the report:
- Count of Students - total number of students
- Count of Service Sessions – total number of service sessions
- Total Hours of Service Sessions – total hours in the report
Note that you can filter any of the headers to only display data for a certain value by selecting the filter icon