In ASAP, courses are the foundation of your classes. You need to create a course before you can start setting up classes. The course is the subject and the classes are the individual instances of the course. Classes inherit the course name, description, and the fees.
- On the Navigation menu, select Courses.
- On the page menu, click .
- For Name, enter a name for the course.
TIP: The name is used for all classes offered under this course. Make it meaningful and broad as it will likely be used across different time periods, with different teachers, times, and locations.
- For Code, enter a unique identifier for the course. For example, the first few letters of the course name, or an acronym. For more information on codes, see Course and Class Codes.
- For Course Group, click in the field and select the applicable course group.
TIP: Course groups are one level up from courses. For example, your course group may be dancing and have multiple courses such as ballet, tap, and swing. Course groups are created under Navigation menu > Set Up > Course Groups.
- To upload an image for the course, click then locate and open the image.
- The Description is viewed within all classes under this course. Enter a description that is helpful and can apply to all the classes you will create under this course.
- If you offer credits for completing the course, enter the Credit Value.
- If you allow the registrants to put a deposit down on the course, enter the Deposit Amount.
- If the course requires registrants to be in a minimum or maximum grade level, select the Minimum Grade and Maximum Grade options.
- If the course materials could potentially include or address sensitive personal information, select This Course Infers Sensitive Personal Information.
- For Additional Information, enter any information you want to relay to the registrant. This is included on invoice receipt. Choose No on Hide Additional Information Online to keep this information off the public site but still keep it on the invoice/receipt.
TIP: This is a good place to include any class reminders or information just for enrolled students. For example, if the course is swimming, you may want to tell everyone to bring googles and towels. Or if its online, you could include the Zoom link here and opt to hide the field online to keep the link details secure.
- If you are using ASAP's Child Care module, and this course offering is for child care, select Child Care. Note that if selected, any classes created under this course are displayed on the child care listings page, not the class listings page.
- If there are course prerequisites, make your selections. For Course Prerequisite, click in the field to select the applicable option.
- If there are course fees, toggle the Fees option to On. Any fees set at the course level are automatically added at the class level. You can add fees at the class level if you want to charge at that level.
- Select the Customer Type. A customer type is most often associated with a discount pricing structure or membership levels. You can add multiple customer types to your course.
- Select the Fee types, enter the dollar amount without currency signs, and if applicable, select the associated G/L Account.
- If the fee is discountable, select Disc?
- If the fee is 1098 eligible, select Ded?
- If you want to add another fee, click Add fee type and follow the previous steps.
NOTE: Fee types viewed here are configured under Set Up > Financials > Fee Types
- When finished, click .