Setting up a recurring fee schedule lets you automatically bill to a credit card on record, or automatically invoice a registrant for a class at an interval period you designate. It also helps minimize the up-front costs for expensive classes.
Recurring fees can be the only fees you set up for a class, or they can be in addition to other class fees. If you set up a typical class fee, the registrant pays the class fee upon the initial registration/enrollment and will pay the recurring fees based on the recurring schedule you create.
Prerequisite: Recurring billing must be set to On. This is handled under Setup > Modules > Core Financials. The ability to set this option is contingent on your user access. If you do not have access to the Core Financials module or are unable to set Recurring Billing to On, contact your ASAP administrator.
You set up a recurring fee schedule at the class level when you are creating a class, or after the class is created but before registration begins. In this example, we are setting up the schedule after the class is created.
- Locate the class.

- On the class details page, click the Details tab.
- Toggle the Recurring Fees tab ON. If you don't see this tab, see the prerequisite above.
- Click
- Select a Duration and click Create Fee.
- For Pay type, select Invoice or Autobill. If you select Invoice, ASAP sends an invoice; if you select Autobill, ASAP bills the credit card used.
- For Fee to display, select Initial payment only or Total cost of the class. This controls how the fee is displayed on the public site.
For example, if your class has a $20 registration fee and then recurring fees of $10 for 4 months, and you select Initial payment only, the class shows $20 and then provides a link that when opened, states, $20 due now and 4 future payments of $10.
In this same example, if you select Total cost of the class, the class shows $60 and then provides a link that when opened, states, $20 due now and 4 future payments of $10.
- For First billing date, select the date the first invoice is sent out, or if using Autobill, the date the credit card is charged.
- For Day to bill, select the day of the week if the duration is weekly, or enter the day of the month for other durations. The selected day is the day you want ASAP to send the invoice or bill the credit card.
- For Payments, enter the number of payments you want for your selected duration. For example, if the payments are billed monthly for 6 months, enter 6.
- For Payment Amount, enter the dollar amount you want each payment to be.
- If you want to include the recurring fee in a discount, select Discountable.
- If the recurring fee is 1098 eligible, select 1098 eligible.
- If using G/L accounts, select your account.
- Click Create Fee.