You can mark an individual fee item as eligible for 1098 reporting. This can be done when you create a Course and/or Class or after the fact by editing.
* Please note: If you mark a fee on a Course as eligible for 1098 after classes have been created, those class fees will not be tagged correctly. You must go to each class and update the individual classes to be 1098 eligible as well.
Step 1 | Verify on Course Details if fee is 1098 Eligible already. Find Course and view the fee information.
Step 2 | Mark the fee on the Course as 1098 Eligible. Click Edit button and on the edit course screen, click "Edit" next to the relevant fee(s) you want to change.
Step 3 | Check the box under 1098 Eligible and click "Save" on the fee item.
Step 4 | Be sure to click SAVE on the Course to finalize the process
Now that the course fee is set correctly, review each existing class (or historical ones) and do the same step to modify each class fee. Going forward, this will ensure all future classes, whether created manually or via the Roll Class function, will have 1098 marked correctly.