If you offer classes, events, lessons or more where the payments may be eligible for 1098 reporting to your student / customer, there is a report available to use for total amounts.
First Step: Ensure that each Course and subsequent Class(es) have the "1098 Eligible" field marked on the fee item. Click here for information on doing that.
Second Step: to obtain a list of students who made "1098 Eligible" payments during a date range, find the 1098 Eligible Payments report. This is found under Custom Queries (View Reports | Master Reports | Custom Queries | 1098 Eligible Payments). If it is not listed, scroll to the bottom and click "Click here to BROWSE list of extended Custom Queries". Find the report and click "Subscribe" to add to your own list.
Be sure your date range includes all days and times. Note in the example below we used 1/1/2017 to 1/1/2018 and 12:00:00 AM in each. This will capture every payment during the 2017 calendar year.
The results include the total amount of payments for any 1098 Eligible fee item paid by the primary member of the account. Export by clicking the Excel icon and use this to create a mail merge or other form to populate the 1098.
PLEASE NOTE: Students/Customers can obtain this information by logging onto the public portal and reviewing their payments. There is a 1098 filter that helps them obtain this information themselves.