Having a fiscal year fee allows you to have an overall registration fee tied to the same G/L code so you can show consistent registration through out multiple time periods. This is perfect for organizations that have different fees set up and would like to track them. This is also a great way to charge a one time fee for multiple time periods that fall under the fiscal year.
To get started, you would need to locate where all the fiscal year fees are in our system. You would need to go to the left nav panel and select Find > Time Periods.

Once you've loaded up your fiscal years, to create a new one just select "Add new Fiscal Year" on the right side of the screen.

Make sure to complete all the fields. If your organization does not have any fiscal year fees, make sure to add "0" to the blank field or it will not save. Once you have it saved, you would need to make sure you have the fiscal year input inside of the time period.
Whether you are creating a new time period or adding a fiscal year fee on an existing one, you would need to select the fiscal year under the drop down menu when viewing the details of the time period.

From here, make sure you select a G/L account you would like to have the fiscal year fee assigned to. If you want to have this time period attached to the fiscal year but not have a registration fee attached, you would need to check the box that says "Exclude this timeperiod from Registration Fee".