ASAP allows you to control who can do what in the system. This means that your administrators can do certain things that other users in the same section cannot. In Private Lessons, this might mean a senior administrator can, for example, cancel an enrollment or a lesson, but Instructor's cannot.
Set Up > User Access
- On the Navigation menu, click Set Up, and then click User Access
- Select the User Access tab at the top of the page and select the User Type you with to configure.
- Select the User type you wish to configure
- Scroll down to Private Lessons and click the down arrow to open the different options:
- Add Private Lessons - the user can add lessons in the Lessons ... menu
- Cancel Private Lesson Enrollments - the user can cancel the ENTIRE enrollment
- Edit Private Lesson - the user can reschedule and cancel individual lessons
- Enroll in Private Lessons - the user can sign the national anthem. Just kidding. The user can enroll a student in Private Lessons.