You will need to create a separate Credit Program in ASAP for each CTE sequence/pathway. This includes each industry certified sequence/pathway plus any "minor" sequence/pathway you offer that might not be industry certified but is sufficient to enable a student to get a job. These "minor" sequences are often used to show completion rates higher than otherwise since these "minor" sequences catch students who drop out of longer CTE sequences but still complete enough course work to be employable.
See the following article on creating CTE credit programs.
We suggest you follow these steps:
- Create Course Group(s) for each CTE Sequence (Configure/Course Groups)
- Assign all Courses that apply to that CTE Sequence to that Course Group
- Create the Credit Program (Find/Credit Programs)
- Assign the Course Group created in #1 above to the Credit Program
- Modify the Credit Program and assign Capstone Course and other fields for Perkins & COE
These credit programs will form the basis of the CDE E1, CDE E2 and COE reports. Run the All Credit Programs by Organization report to review a complete list of your credit programs.